Looking for woody's?

Help get “WOODY’S”® Cook-in’, Sweet ‘n Smoky and Bold ‘n Spicy sauces stocked locally by contacting your favorite grocer. You can also provide us with your preferred grocer and we will work with their distributors to carry “WOODY’S”®.


WOODY’s Cook-in’ and BBQ sauces are loved across the world

Why we do it

To put sauce and a smile on as many faces as possible

A Big fan

A BIG fan of your sauces for almost 50 years! I’m down to my LAST JAR, so I’m REALLY hopeful to see it back on the shelves soon.




the search is over

I have been on the search for Woody’s for about one year. I am thrilled to learn of the production start of this product. I’ve been using Woody’s for around 20 years.


Best father ever

Thank you for bringing Woody’s back. It is the best sauce to use when we BBQ ribs. It’s the sauce that my husband’s father taught him to always use.

Thanks again!


"WOODY'S" is the best sauce made

I have been using Woody’s for over forty years and even used it my BBQ restaurant. Nothing else compares. Woody’s is the best sauce made.

 Mark V. Collinsville, Illinois

San Antonio Loves Us

I have used WOODY’S cook-in sauce for about 30 years but haven’t been able to find it for a long time. I live in Texas about halfway between San Antonio and Austin. Can you tell me where to find it in this area or can you ship me some? It is the best product of its kind that I have ever used. Nothing else even comes close.



We are so glad that

WOODY’S cook-in sauce is back! When I heard it was going out of production, I canvassed all the stores in my area and bought all I could find. (Six, I have one and a half left.) I found I could have sold them on eBay for twenty dollars each, but I’ll keep them, thanks.

Mr. Happy


A family favorite for over 50 Years

My family has been using WOODY’S cook-in sauce for more than fifty years. My grandfather started using it in the fifties when people were cooking on brick barbecues in the back yard. Remember those? My dad learned it from my grandfather, and I learned it from him. If my wife and I had any kids, we’d pass it on to them, but we have to be satisfied with passing the knowledge on to friends and neighbors. When it went out of production, a lot of my friends called to say they were having trouble finding it. I like it because it’s the only barbecue-type sauce I can find that isn’t sweet. When we have a barbecue with friends, everyone raves about the grilled meats. My secret is WOODY’S. Likewise, I use it in Mexican-style dishes as a flavor enhancer. To my taco mix, I add just a tablespoon of WOODY’S and I never have to put leftovers in the fridge!
And Hallelujah! It’s back!

Great to see WOODY’S is coming back. I hope to see it soon as it is the only sauce I have used for 40 years. My Dad has used it ever since it first came out.
Lester – Florida

My Story

On June 9, 1986 a wonderful and happy thing happened to me. I discovered Woody’s Cook-in Sauce. Don’t be fooled by the imitators, there is nothing to compare to its taste.
!Caution! it is addictive. You have my personal guarantee that it is simply the best.
Cal – Sarasota, FL

Carl said this…

I just talked to a lady at Reily Foods and was informed that you have acquired the WOODY’S cook-in sauce and it will be available again. Thank God!!! I have tried a large number of marinades and barbeque sauces and have never been able to match WOODY’S. I don’t know when you will go into production but please put in an order for one of the first cases for me and call me and I will give you my credit card number.
Thank you,

As always, Woody’s® Foods loves to hear from our loyal and dedicated customers. Contact us with all of your Cook-in needs and don’t forget to submit or view your favorite WOODY’S® recipe.